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A Climate Conversation Podcast Episode 12 with Robert Bryce

Dave O'Rourke

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

A Climate Conversation Podcast Episode 12 with Robert Bryce

July 15, 2024

Host: Dave O’Rourke

Guests: Robert Bryce, author, reporter, and producer of  the documentary Juice, How Electricity Explains the World,  and Walter E. Johnson, Geophysicist and Executive Producer of the documentary A Climate Conversation

A Climate Conversation Podcast 

Welcome to our podcast in support of A Climate Conversation, a documentary that seeks to foster an honest dialogue on the subject of climate change—its causes, its impact, and a science-based cost/benefit analysis of its potential solutions.

Robert Bryce brings a new perspective to our podcast series, and it’s an important one: journalist. Articulate, informed, and passionate, Robert will help us explore the subjects of climate change and public policy from an unbiased position. Unbiased does not mean without values, as you will learn. 

Robert’s groundbreaking documentary, Juice, How Electricity Explains the World, examines humanity’s relationship with energy, a far more relevant and important topic than the impact of climate change. The dire predictions of climate alarmists pale in comparison to the realities that currently exist for those without access to energy. 

Bryce is joined by Walt Johsnon, brainchild and executive producer of A Climate Conversation. A son of the West, Walt is a geophysicist and  fifth generation Coloradan, and is keely interested in bringing realism and the scientific method to the debate about climate. Walt is particularly interested in bringing the scientific method to the discussion about human-caused climate change, its potential impact and proposed solutions.  

The reliability of energy is a major theme today. The public needs to consider the potential cost in human suffering if that reliability is lost. 

This podcast continues our conversation about the cost/benefit equation of climate policy. Those costs go far beyond the hundreds of trillions of dollars that will be required to meet the demands of the alarmist’s policy prescriptions. 

Other topics include:

  • Supreme Court’s Chevron decision

  • Offshore wind farms

  • Google’s emissions

  • AI electricity demand forecast

  • Russian attacks on Ukraine’s electrical grid

  • Coal prices spiking

  • Nuclear plant closures (Belgium, Germany, CA) 

We hear realists derided as “deniers,” but that slur is a poor substitute for an argument. The science of climate is anything but settled, and models in use by the UN IPCC continue to prove deeply flawed. Before engaging in a multi-hundred trillion dollar energy transition, we should make sure the costs and benefits are much more well understood. 

Juice the Series:

Twitter: @pwrhungry


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